Who is NDAN?
NDAN is an acronym for Natural Death Advocacy Network.
We are a growing Australian network and advocacy partnership of community facilitators, professionals, activists and educators working to enrich the experience of dying and death.
Our Vision
Our aim is to create an informative, innovative and transparent organization advocating holistic approaches to dying and death through independent research and action. Our main areas of advocacy include death education, funeral planning, family lead funeral care, natural burial and bereavement care.
Our Mission
We provide individuals, families and communities with professional, creative and informed assistance to choose meaningful, humane and ecological pathways at the end of life.
Did you know?
"There is no legal requirement to use a funeral director. So why not think about how you could handle this yourself. There are many options available to you and your family - with a little planning and the assistance of others (a good celebrant or friend) you could handle most of it yourself."
"Knowing your options concerning dying and death is important, if not for you, then certainly for those who will be responsible for your care. It is sensible to know what options are available before 'end of life' or a death occurs so you can make informed, lawful, and meaningful decisions. Please note that relevant laws differ between states."
A growing service in Australia, there are many names that the role of a 'death doula' is known by, for example: spiritual midwife, death midwife, end of life guide, death companion. Doula is a Greek word meaning 'person of service', and while more commonly associated with birth, a death doulas role is to provide non-medicalised support, resources, and options to people with a life-limiting condition, or those planning for, or approaching, their end of life.
"In Australia a 'home funeral' has become a broad term for family and/or community led home-based care of a person from the time of death until the funeral. This can include home-based death care and/or home funeral ceremonies or both, and promotes environmentally responsible practices and choices."
"If someone has said to you something along the lines of 'keep it simple and bury me under a tree' chances are they might be interested in natural burial. Natural burial is the practice of burying a body in the earth, in a manner which allows for natural decomposition with minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystem."
"By becoming a member you become an NDAN supporting advocate. Your membership will directly help us to grow as a network and continue our education and advocacy efforts."